Submit New Entry
Please complete the following form to submit your business. Try to fill in as many of the fields as possible. If there is missing information, it may delay the listing or cause it to be rejected.
Your Name: (This is not the business name, it should be YOUR name. This field is required.)
Your E-Mail Address: (This will be used to contact you if there is any missing information. This field is required.)
Categories: (Select the categories you wish your business to be listed under here)
< Main >
To add a category in which this entry should be listed, select it from the drop-down above and then click add to the right of the drop-down list.
To remove a category from the list, click remove to the right of the category you wish to remove.
Business Name: (Enter your business name here. This field is required.)
Description: (Enter a brief description of what you business does here. This could also be a slogan, etc.)
Address: (Enter your business address below. The City, State, & ZIP fields are required.)
Additional Contact Information:
Phone 1:
Phone 2:
Email 1:
Email 2:
Additional Service Areas: (Enter any additional information about your business service area here. This will ensure that your business gets exposure in communities other than where your business is located.)
Other Cities:
(Enter a comma-separated list of cities your business serves here. For example: Morris,Alberta,Donnelly)
Other ZIPS:
(Enter a comma-separated list of ZIP Codes your business serves here. For example: 56267,56207,56235)
Other Counties:
(Enter a comma-separated list of Counties your business serves here. For example: Stevens,Grant,Pope)
Additional Comments
Click the Submit Entry button below to submit this information for review. Before submitting, please verify that all of the information you have entered is correct. If there is missing or invalid information, you will be asked to make corrections.
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